Liyanshijia depilatory mempunyai tekstur cream yang sangat lembut dan aman, sangat efektif untuk menghilangkan bulu yang tidak diinginkan.

Tidak menyebabkan kerusakan pada sel kulit, tidak membuat kulit menjadi kering, menghambat pertumbuhan bulu. Kulit terlihat lebih halus dan lembut, tanpa bulu.

1. Bersihkan area yang ingin dihilangkan bulunya.
2. Olesin Cream secukupnya, lalu diamkan selama 8-10 menit
3. Setelah itu, bersihkan dengan menggunakan spatula yang telah disediakan (berlawanan arah dengan arah tumbuh bulu)
4. Bersihkan dengan handuk basah, dan cuci dengan air dingin.

Baeswax, Algae, Biology Compound Depilatory, and Tea Tree Oil

Terdiri dari :
* 20 pcs strips
* 4 post depilation oil towels

Mengandung formula yang unik, yang menggabungkan lilin dan bahan-bahan lain yang berkualitas tinggi untuk menghilangkan bulu sehingga kulit terlihat lebih lembut dan indah.

Cara Pemakaian :
* Gosok strip wax dengan kedua tangan sekitar 5 detik untuk menghangatkan wax.
* Kupas Strip wax secara perlahan, dan tempelkan pada bagian tubuh yang diinginkan, mis. kaki / tangan.
* Gosok strip wax yang menempel supaya lebih melekat pada kulit, searah dengan pertumbuhan bulu.
* Setelah itu tarik lepas strip nya secara cepat, dengan arah berlawanan dengan pertumbuhan bulu.

Jika bulu Anda tumbuh mengarah dari atas ke bawah, maka strip hrs ditarik dari bawah menuju ke atas, dan sebaliknya.
Bulu yang tumbuh tidak lebih kasarBulu - bulu baru akan tumbuh antara 40-70 hari

1. Tidak menimbulkan rasa gatal / panas / iritasi. Tidak terlalu berbau amoniak seperti cream Hair Removal lainnya.
2. Tidak perlu menggunakan pisau cukur yang bisa menyebabkan kulit terluka / berdarah.
3. Tidak perlu menahan perih / sakit karena pencabutan bulu yang biasanya terjadi ketika menggunakan lilin / Wax strip
4. Lebih hemat, tanpa perlu Laser yang harganya JUTAAN
5. Tidak terkena kanker kulit akibat permanen waxing.


* Perhatikan & baca dengan cermat instruksi penggunaan yang tertera pada dos
* [OPTIONAL] Lalukan test sensitifitas dengan mengoleskan sedikit cream veet pada tangan/kaki, apakah terjadi gatal/kemerahan.
* Jika tidak terjadi gatal/kemerahan pemakaian bisa diteruskan.
* Oleskan ke seluruh bagian yang berbulu/bagian bulu yang ingin anda hilangkan dengan menggunakan spatula yang sudah tersedia.
* Tunggu hingga 3-4 menit (Max 6 Menit) dan jangan sampai krim mengering.
* Lalu angkat/kerik dengan Spatula dari arah berlawanan, contoh: bagian kaki ditarik dari bawah ke atas.
* Bilas/lap dengan air hangat hingga bersih.
* Jangan gunakan parfum/lotion apa pun pada bagian yang telah menggunakan veet selama 24 jam.

Aqua, Urea, Paraffinum Liquidum, Cetearyl Alcohol, Potassium Thioglycolate, Calcium Hydroxide, Talc, Ceteareth-20, Pentaerythrityl Tetraisostearate, Cyclopentasiloxane, Magnesium Trisilicate, Potassium Hydroxide, Propylene Glycol, Lithium Magnesium Sodium Silicate, Dimethiconol, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil, Acrylates Copolymer, Sodium Gluconate, Propylene Glycol Dicaprylate / Caprate, Nelumbo Nucifera Flower, Xanthan Gum, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, Butylparaben, Propylparaben, Isobutylparaben, Hydrated Silica, Parfum, Linalool, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, CI 77891, CI 45380:3
JoLen Hair RemovaL 
JOLEN Hair RemovaL and Hair Retarder {ngerontokin dan memperlambat pertumbuhan bulu}. Jangan khawatir, produk ini aman dipake dikulit,. Selain itu, Badan POM juga uda kasi ijin kog penggunaan krim ini,. secara j0len dirancang dan dibuat oleh produsen JOLEN Bleach Creme terkemuka di dunia yang berasal dari Amerika Serikat.

Mfg.Licence NO: 02/C/UA/05
Jolen INC.,25 Walls Drive, Fairfield,Connecticut,USA

Berguna untuk membersihkan bulu rambut pada bagian tubuh yang tidak diinginkan, dan secara alami membentuk daerah pembatas antara bagian yang perlu dicabut dan yang tetap dibiarkan. Minyak Shiya dan Zaitun yang terkenal sangat bermanfaat bagi kulit ditambahkan sebagai campuran. Dengan memakai spatula yang tersedia di dalam paket, bulu rambut diangkat dengan halus dan lembut hingga kulit tetap halus, indah, sehalus dan selembut kulit bayi.

Digunakan sebagai pembersih yang mengandung antiseptik yang membersihkan pori-pori kulit dari sisa-sisa krim dan debu.

Berfungsi untuk memperlambat tumbuhnya rambut diramu dengan menggunakan teknologi tinggi, memanfaatkan keunggulan khasiat kedelaim dimana krim ini tidak hanya memperlambat pertumbuhan bulu rambut, tetapi juga melembutkan tekstur bulu pada pertumbuhan selanjutnya.

Pemakaian dianjurkan setelah mandi, karena pada saat itu bulu lebih lembut dan pori-pori dalam keadaam terbuka, sehingga produk ini bekerja lebih efektif. 
1. Bersihkan area yg berbulu dengan air hangat.
Dengan menggunakan spatula yang tersedia, oleskan JOLEN HAIR REMOVER CRÈME secukupnya pada bulu kulit yang akan dihilangkan.
2. Biarkan krim berada di tempat antara 7-10 menit, tetapi jangan biarkan sampai mengering di tempat.
3. Lalu dengan lembut bersihkan bulu rambut yang sudah tercabut pelan-pelan dengan menggunakan spatula.
4. Cuci dengan air bersih.
5. Kemudian oleskan JOLEN WET WIPES yang telah disediakan untuk mengusap bagian yang bulu rambutnya dicabut.
6. Unutk memperlambat pertumbuhan bulu rambut dan agar bulu rambut yang akan tumnuh tetap lembut, pakailah JOLEN HAIR RETARDER CRÈME. Oleskan dan pijatlah dengan lembut pada bagian yang telah dibersihkan dengan JOLEN WET WIPES dengan gerakan memutar.
7. Untuk memperoleh hasil terbaik, pakailah JOLEN HAIR RETARDER CRÈME selama 4 atau 5 hari, setiap kali habis mandi.

1. Hindarkan mengoleskan di bagian kulit yang terlipat-lipat seperti kulit dekat mata, hidung, atau kulit yang luka atau bengkak.
2. Jangan kena mata, jika kena mata, bilas segera dengan air mengalir dan hubungi dokter.
3. Hentikan pemakaian jika sampai timbul rasa panas atau terbakar setelah pemakaian dalam waktu 24jam.
4. Mengandung tioglikolat.
5. Ikuti petunjuk pemakaian.
6. Jauhkan dari jangkauan anak-anak.
7. Setiap kali memakai produk baru untuk kulit, anda harus selalu melakukan uji sensitivitas. Caranya ambil sedikit JOLEN HAIR REMOVER CRÈME, oleskan di lengan bagian dalam atau di belakang leher. Tunggu beberapa saat yang diperlukan sesuai petunjuk pemakaian, lalu bersihkan.
8. Tunggu selama 24jam dan perhatikan bagian yang diuji. Jika tidak ada tanda-tanda iritasi, teruskan pemakaian sesuai petunjuk. 
BULU-bulu yang tidak diinginkan, memang bisa mengganggu penampilan dan menghilangkan rasa percaya diri. Karena itu, kini hadir solusi praktis dengan laser hair removal, metode baru menghilangkan rambut (bulu) tubuh secara permanen tanpa rasa sakit. 

Jika selama ini laser hair removal lebih banyak dilakukan di lengan, bikini, ketiak, maupun area genital, kini metode penghilang bulu tersebut lebih populer di bagian kaki dan jari jemarinya.

Harley Medical Group telah melihat tren baru ketika musim panas tiba, yaitu membuat kulit kaki halus bak sutra. Saat akan melakukan hair removal, area kaki dan jari kaki lebih menarik untuk dilirik. Demikian yang dikutip dari Femalefirst, Selasa (7/6/2011).

Telah terdapat kenaikan hingga 23 persen dari metode laser hair removal untuk menghilangkan bulu di sekitar tubuh saat musim panas tiba. Rata-rata orang mencukur 11.540 kali dalam hidup mereka, sehingga lebih tahan lama yang menjadi dambaan kebanyakan wanita.

Harley Medical Grup melaporkan, 350 perempuan telah melakukan perawatan kaki dalam dua pekan terakhir di bulan April lalu.

Chantelle O'Leary, laser hair spesialis di The Harley Medical Group mengatakan, "Wanita jauh lebih nyaman jika rambut tubuh mereka dibersihkan. Lima tahun lalu, wanita jarang yang mendekati kami untuk melakukan laser hair removal pada daerah yang lebih tidak biasa, tapi sekarang perempuan melakukan pilihan di luar sana untuk lebih dapat menikmati keindahan tubuh mereka."

Laser hair removal juga dapat diterapkan untuk wajah, tubuh, dan menghilangkan 60 sampai 95 persen dari rambut yang mengganggu secara permanen.

"Treatment ini berlangsung sekira 15 menit untuk masing-masing kaki, sehingga memudahkan wanita karier yang sibuk atau ibu rumah tangga untuk dapat memasukkan treatment ini ke dalam rutinitas sehari-hari mereka," tutup Chantelle.
Puff-IT Miracle Powder adalah sistem penghilang rambut PERMANEN tradisional yang menakjubkan tanpa rasa sakit yang secara permanen mampu menyingkirkan rambut yang tidak diinginkan pada wajah & tubuh Anda.

Dengan menggunakan ramuan tradisional berkhasiat, Puff-IT Miracle Powder mematikan akar rambut dengan penggunaan rutin setiap hari. Setelah beberapa bulan rambut akan rontok secara alami dan permanen, kulit halus dan tak berambut! 

Hati-hati barang palsu, kami adalah distributor Puff-IT satu-satunya! Tidak membuka cabang dimanapun.

Ada banyak iklan & klaim pembaharuan yang menjanjikan metode pemindahan rambut permanen. Kebanyakan metode ini tidak mempunyai bukti klinis yang diterbitkan dengan sebenarnya oleh mereka. Metode pemindahan rambut permanen yang terbukti & paling dapat diandalkan untuk saat ini adalah IPL Laser Hair Removal & Electrolysis. Jika anda sudah menyelidiki atau bertanya atas metode pemindahan rambut permanen ini di klinik kecantikan lokal Anda, Anda akan tahu: 
  • Betapa mahalnya perawatan permanent hair removal itu, jutaan atau bahkan puluhan juta rupiah 
  • Calon konsumen terbaik untuk laser hair removal atau IPL adalah pasien yang memiliki rambut gelap & kulit putih. Tidak EFEKTIF untuk SEMUA ORANG 
  • Electrolysis treatment membutuhkan waktu bertahun-tahun! Rambut yang dapat disingkirkan tiap perawatan sangat minimal. Hanya bidang kecil saja yang bisa dirawat karena metode ini membunuh akar rambut satu per satu.
  • Perawatan dengan laser sering disebut sebagai hair removal yang bersifat semi-permanent. Masih memungkinkan untuk rambut tumbuh kembali dalam beberapa tahun.
Puff-IT Miracle Powder - Satu-satunya solusi penghilang rambut yang permanen.
Hanya Puff-IT yang menawarkan penghilang rambut permanen tanpa rasa sakit yang telah teruji dan terbukti secara efektif mampu menghilangkan rambut secara permanen dalam jangka waktu yang singkat.

Puff-IT terbukti sama efektifnya dengan metode pemindahan rambut permanen sekarang yang ada di pasaran. Bedak ajaib ini dapat menghilangkan rambut permanen hampir di seluruh tubuh dan wajah Anda, yakni di kaki, ketiak, muka, punggung, bikini line, dagu, dll. Penggunaan sangat sederhana & mudah. Solusi terbaik dalam industri hair removal! 

Puff-IT Miracle Powder adalah “ramuan ajaib” untuk menghilangkan rambut secara PERMANEN yang bisa dijumpai di pasar hari ini! Wujudkan impian anda sekarang hanya dengan 90 hari, semulus dan tanpa rambut seperti hari Anda dilahirkan!
It used to be OK for men to have hairy backs but these days the clean, groomed look is in and back hair removal is pretty much the norm for men who care about their appearance.

But it is not that easy to even see your back never mind remove the hair from it without assistance. So how do those in the know about male hair removal achieve (and maintain) a smooth back?

Well, you have a number of options to remove hair from your back and you may have to experiment a little to find the method that works best for you, depending on your budget, how your skin reacts and whether or not you have anyone to help you. A helper makes a lot of difference when it comes to hairy back removal as it is such an awkward place to reach yourself.

Back Hair Removal by Shaving

Shaving is the way that men naturally turn to when thinking about unwanted hair because you have probably been shaving your face for a good few years and it’s certainly the way body builders have achieved a smooth look across their whole bodies for years.

You would think that with this method of removing body hair you would need a lot of help but actually there is now a shaver or grooming tool available which has been specifically designed so that you can deal with your back hair yourself. It’s called the MANGROOMER Do-It-Yourself Electric Back Hair Shaver

As you can see it shaves a larger area than the norm with a 1.5″ blade and extends so that you can reach your own back. Its cutting edge design gives you a very close shave and prevents ingrowing hairs.

You will of course need a mirror with good lighting and maybe a hand mirror to be able to see but it should not be too much of a problem to get these and perform your own back hair removal as often as you like without incurring much in the way of ongoing cost – great for those on a low budget.

The only disadvantages with shaving is the rate of regrowth – you are going to have to carry out the operation regularly to maintain a smooth back – and also how your skin reacts to shaving.

You will probably find that your back skin is a little irritated as it is not used to shaving but this will not last. However if you have bad problems with ingrown hairs and razor bumps on your face you may also have problems with back shaving so you may want to look at other methods if that is the case, Otherwise the Mangroomer is well worth a try.

It can be difficult to know what to believe when it comes to buying hair removal products. Every manufacturer wants you to believe their product is the one that will solve your hair removal problems with less fuss, less mess and less pain but a lot of products produced for this market are far from effective and even with the good ones, the downsides are glossed over.
The posts in this section are designed to help you find the truth about various types and brands of products. If you don’t see buying guidelines for the type of product you are considering or a review for a product you are planning to buy, drop us a line via the contact page. We’ve heard of most things and will help if we can.

Hair Removal Products : Buying Guides and Reviews

One Touch Electrolysis
One Touch electrolysis review including four reasons why this home electrolysis system may not be right for you. Don’t buy without reading!
Hair Plucker Machine 
Take care of unwanted hair fast with a hair plucker machine or epilator. Instant smooth skin for weeks without a fuss. Easy hair removal at home.
Home Hair Removal Machine
Select the best home hair removal machine with the help of these simple guidelines.
GiGi Wax Warmer
Wax your face, body and legs like a professional by heating wax perfectly in a GiGi wax warmer. Great discounts, advice on choosing and tips on how to use.
Conair Hair Removal System
Conair hair removal system and pads make one of the easiest methods of hair removal. Would they work for you?
Body Hair Removal Pills
Body hair removal pills are available if body hair is affecting you badly but as they work on your hormones they must not be taken without medical supervision.
Best Selling Laser Hair Removal Machines
Don’t believe everything you read when it comes to best selling laser hair removal machines.
The Ultimate Hair Removal Machine
Are these two hair removal machines the ultimate when it comes to getting rid of hair for good? If I could have three wishes..
Which Lady Shaver?
How to choose a lady shaver and where you can buy most brand name lady shavers at a discount.
Permanent Hair Remover
If you’re looking for a permanent hair remover, here are two products I recommend.
Best Hair Removal Products
Here are the products new and old I’d like to nominate for the Best Hair Removal Products Awards 2009. Please comment and nominate yours too.
Emjoi Tweeze
The Emjoi Tweeze is a popular mini epilator but will you love it or hate it?
Veet for Men
If you want a quick way to get rid of unwanted hair on the body you can use Veet for men. Here we explore the range and how you should use the products.
Rio Hair Removal System Review
With the Rio hair removal system you get many mixed buyer reviews – here are three important pages of reviews to check out so you can see if it may be right for you.
GiGi Wax
GiGi wax is the most trusted brand of beauty wax. Here’s all you need to know including where to buy at a discount.
Best Waxing Kits
Guide to the best waxing kits on the market. A great way to get professional results and save time and money on waxing.
Revitol Hair Removal Cream
The makers of this cream say that it both remove hairs and slows regrowth but how effective is it?
Finally Free Hair Removal System Review
This home electrolysis system claims to offer permanent hair removal but does Finally Free hair removal actually work?
Epila Laser Hair Removal
Our review of the Epila Laser Hair Removal system. Is it a low-cost alternative to professional laser treatment and how does it compare with other home laser hair removal machines?
Verseo Epen Hair Removal
Why I don’t recommend the Verseo Epen Hair Removal system and a couple of alternatives which will give you better results.
Nair Hair Removal
The Nair brand includes hair removal lotions, creams and waxes for men and women and all parts of the body. Find the right Nair hair remover for you using this guide.
Permanent Hair Removal Products
Avoid scams and fakes. Here are two effective permanent hair removal products approved for home use.
Silkn Personal Laser Hair Removal System Review
The Silk’n machine is an effective personal laser hair removal system but is it right for you?
One Touch Permanent Hair Remover Reviews
My opinion of the One Touch hair removal machine – one of the few safe and permanent hair remover systems available for home use.
Home Laser Hair Removal Machine
Should you consider buying a laser hair removal machine for use at home? Here are all the pros and cons so you can decide.
Review of the Philips Satinelle Epilator
Why I use this epilator and what I like about it.
Is Your Hair Removal Device an Overpriced Paper Weight?
Some ideas for finding whether hair removal products are worth buying.
Depilatory cream, otherwise known as hair removal cream is an easy way to remove hair. Although you must always follow the instructions on the box or enclosed leaflet you generally apply the cream, wait a few minutes, scrape it off with the provided spatula and gently wash the area in lukewarm water and pat dry. Job done!
You can buy hair removal cream everywhere. Common brands are Nair, Veet and Immac and they are pretty similar to each other in terms of price. You can find a whole range, many at a discount HERE

Try a few different brands because it will probably be something small which marks out one over another and makes it the best hair removal cream for you – things like the packaging, familiarity with the brand, how the cream, gel or lotion is applied or the fragrance (which is meant to disguise the pungent smell of the chemical which all these hair removal creams use although it rarely does a complete job on this).

Different Formulas
You can use these hair removal products on most parts of your body – check the packaging but depilatory creams are generally great for underarms, legs, chest, back, bikini line and face – pretty much everywhere. You don’t need to buy a special bikini hair removal cream or hair removal creme for legs.  However you may find special formulations for facial hair – an area which is a bit more sensitive than others and some manufacturers will package up a product for use on specific areas to give them an edge (although it is often the same stuff  inside).

Likewise the formula is generally not any different for removing male hair or female hair but you might find special hair removal cream for men which is packaged and perfumed differently to appeal to those looking for male hair removal products.

Patch Sensitivity Test
Before you use your chosen product for the first time always do a patch test to check for sensitivity and adverse reactions to the formula. It should tell you to do this in the instructions. It’s better to spend an extra five minutes the first time you use it and be safe rather than sorry – this is particularly important for facial hair removal cream for obvious reasons.

Any Disadvantages of Hair Removal Cream?
It’s easy to forget to check the time when you apply it and then end up guessing and leaving it on too long or taking it off too soon. Remember to take a timer into the bathroom when you use your depilatory cream
It’s also a bit boring waiting for the whole process to work. Five minutes standing around can seem like an age. Remember and take a magazine with you

The smell of these products is quite distinctive  – no matter how well the manufacturer has perfumed the cream, here is still a smell that lingers after you have used the product (not on you thankfully just around the bathroom)

Your skin may be a bit sensitive after use so don’t plan on using perfumes or deodorants immediately after removing your hair with depilatory cream.

The hair is destroyed just below the surface of the skin and not at the root so this is a temporary hair removal method and you have to keep using your hair removal cream every few days if you want to maintain smooth skin. However you will find that regrowth is slight less stubbly and fast than shaving.
If you’re looking for the perfect facial hair remover you may have been looking a long time. There are none of them perfect. I have seen a lot of unwanted facial hair removal products, both permanent and temporary, in my time reviewing products here, however for some reason I have not come across the REM spring facial hair remover until today and judging by the customer reviews I may have been missing a trick.
Traditional Facial Hair Removal Methods

If you have unwanted facial hair you’re not alone – this problem affects more than 15% of women. It’s pretty distressing but there as more ways to get rid of hair on your face than you can shake a stick at so it’s certainly not an insurmountable problem – there’s no need to get depressed about it. You can do something about it!
Of course all methods of facial hair removal have their disadvantages (doesn’t everything) but just in case you haven’t tried them all and despaired of finding the right method for you I’ll just run through all the traditional remedies for getting rid of facial hair before taking a closer look at the new REM product.

REM Spring Facial Hair Remover - a new and better method of removing unwanted facial hair?
Shaving – For men only unless you want to start developing a five o’clock shadow. Ladies, do not shave your facial hair ever again. There are plenty of better ways to deal with female facial hair.

Depilatory creams and lotions – You can buy special facial hair removal creams which you may want to use on the sensitive skin here instead of your regular depilatory cream. These are easy to use, fast and work like a charm. Only disadvantage is that the hair is “dissolved” just below the skin surface and so you’ll see regrowth within a few days at which point you have to repeat the treatment.

Plucking with tweezers – Tweezing is great for the odd stray hair (and it’s a great method for eyebrows) but difficult (and painful) for a whole mustache or sideburns type problem. It will take you forever but it can be done if you don’t like the other options. Can be difficult to see and get hold of every hair and repeated attempts on each hair mean that the area can get very red and sore. However hairs are pulled from the the root which means regrowth is slower than other temporary methods like hair removal creams.

Bleaching – Bleaching facial hair does not involve removing the hair so it is pain free. You can buy special cream bleach for the face and disguise dark hair by lightening it. Works for many but you may find you end up with a blond mustache which is only slightly less obvious than your dark one depending on the thickness of your hair.

Threading – Facial hair threading is a method which involves trapping hair between two twisted strands of thread and pulling it out. It is now performed on facial hair in a lot of salons (or you can do this yourself if you have the know-how). It’s very fast when carried out by a skilled technician and leaves your face hair free for a few weeks but you do need to set aside money and time for regular salon visits.A bit painful as hairs are pulled out from the root but for some reason seems to be less painful than waxing, probably because fewer hairs are pulled out in one go.

Waxing – Facial waxing is similar to threading however this can be carried out in the salon or at home. At home, consider cold wax strips which are simple to apply. Unfortunately they are still painful to remove (though bearable).

Laser hair removal for the face – Hair can be zapped in one session however you will need repeat visits and if you are looking for permanent facial hair removal this is not perfect as you may be left with some hair which is not permanently removed and grows back. The main disadvantage of this method is the expense as the cost of laser hair removal is high. You will also feel a bit of pain as hair follicles are being destroyed but a topical anesthetic soothing gel may be applied to reduce this.

Electrolysis – This method results in permanent removal of the hair and is the best facial hair removal method for everyone who can afford it and has time for regular appointments. Each hair is treated individually with the insertion of a fine needle at the hair root through which an electric current is passed to kill the hair. As this method relies on precision in terms of where the current is applied and in treating the hair at the right stage in its growth cycle each hair may need to be removed several times. But after a few months to a year you will be permanently free of your facial hair problems.
Electrolysis is the only method of removing hair permanently for everyone. While laser hair removal can cause a significant reduction in hair growth, it does not work well for those with dark skin or light hair, and in many cases top up treatments are required to deal with regrowth. The problem with electrolysis is how slow it is. To clear an area of any size of unwanted hair can take many months of treatment. Each hair has to be treated with the electrolysis probe individually and it will only kill the hair if the hair is in the right stage of growth and the probe hits the hair follicle in the right place and with enough current to kill it.

Because it is such a slow process, electrolysis can be expensive. The cost of all those treatments mounts up and it can be pretty inconvenient to get to all the appointments too, especially if you have a busy job or young kids or both. As a result, it can be a practical alternative to use an electrolysis machine at home.

But what are the best electrolysis machines to use?

The main thing to look for in a machine for home use, is the way the procedure is performed. There are some manufacturers which produce an “at home electrolysis machine” but when you read how it is supposed to work, it is entirely different from the machines which professionals use. Avoid these products because they do not work. They are often described as painless or pain-free. This is a bad sign. If you cannot have effective professional electrolysis without pain, then you can’t achieve the same at home either.

Most of the ineffective machines are supposed to work by gripping each hair with electric tweezers and then applying the current. The current is supposed to travel down the hair to the root and kill it after you grip the hair for a number of seconds. Believe me, no hairs will be killed and you will waste a lot of precious time trying and wondering where you are going wrong. There are some quite expensive machines in this category such as the Aavexx 300 or 349 range and the Vector Electrolysis System too. You will not get great results from these despite the expense.

The best electrolysis machines work like professional machines.

The professional machines always have a probe which you insert beside the hair follicle and the current is passed down the probe to reach the root of the hair where it is needed. To get the best electrolysis at home, your machine needs to do that too. There are machines at all price ranges. If you are on a very low budget the best home electrolysis machine is the One Touch which is less than $50 but there are also machines which are more robust and closer to professional machines such as the V2R Professional Electrolysis System for Permanent Hair Removal. The latter will set you back a few hundred dollars though.

Actually I would start with the One touch and see if you have the patience for the whole process before you go spending a lot on a more professional machine. It takes practice to learn to perform electrolysis effectively and you may find that you give up before you get anywhere if you are not highly motivated to get rid of your unwanted hair for good. Also, don’t start on your face. Electrolysis is one of the best means of getting rid of facial hair but if you are not careful with your machine and use too high a setting you may damage your skin a bit and you can better do that on your leg than your face.

In fact, many professional electrologists are reluctant to work on their own faces as it is difficult to get the angle right for inserting the probe. Again it is a case of how motivated you are and prepared to practice and take care to do things slowly whether you will be ultimately successful even if you own one of the best electrolysis machines.
One can easily eliminate unwanted hair by laser hair removal. The process is gentle, fast and highly effective. However, not everyone can avail of laser hair removal. For example, people with tanned skin who have very light body hair are not suitable candidates. This is because darkened skin absorbs too much light, and a laser is nothing but highly concentrated light. A major prerequisite for successful laser hair removal is that the patient’s hair is darker than the surrounding skin.

There are certainly other modes of hair removal available, but the advent of laser hair removal has rendered most of them obsolete as preferred treatments. Electrolysis is an option that is still popular, since it does not require repeated treatments. However, laser hair removal has the advantage of being less expensive. Though a complete treatment often requires multiple sessions, the total cost per body area will probably not exceed $1000 in most cases. The effects are long-term, which means that repeated visits are not called for after one round of treatments.

Hair removal techniques such as waxing, shaving and plucking, on the other hand, produce only short-term results. Intense pulsed light is often effective in removing excess body hair, too. Devices employing intense pulsed light are supposed to act as so-called laser equivalents, but this is a misleading term. Producing comparable results with these devices requires a great deal of instrument adjustment and far more expertise than laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal can eliminate body hair in almost all anatomical areas. One exception is the area immediately around the eyes, where the danger of ocular complications renders it an unsafe procedure in this particular area. Other than this, the technique is effective when applied to the face, the upper lip, the neck and chest, the armpits, the back, the abdomen and legs. Women often avail of laser hair removal to make their bikini line more attractive, too.

Despite its advantages, laser hair removal produces uniform results in all patients. Many variables can affect the outcome, and some patients often require more sessions than others to produce the same results. Though the technique is highly advanced and controllable, there are no absolute guarantees in laser hair removal. One should therefore distrust any advertisements that guarantee reduction or elimination of hair by this technique. High-profile clinics practicing laser hair removal do not make such dishonest and misleading claims. It is advisable to avail of treatment at such clinics, rather than at those that use flamboyant advertising to draw clients. Trusting in clinics that offer ‘discount’ laser hair removal is another mistake. The strict scientific parameters applicable in this technology and its use are not open to compromise.

Look for clinics that use FDA-approved instruments and practices and do not expect magical, instant results. The general mantra for laser hair removal is that more session brings better and longer-lasting results. The exact cost of laser hair removal depends on the size of the body area to undergo treatment, as well as on the general and specific physical characteristics of the patient. To obtain an estimate of how much it will cost, one should obtain an initial evaluation at a reputed laser hair removal centers.
Nowadays, many people desired to remove excess to get their dark hairs in the parts of the body. We have lots of hair in our body particularly on the face, armpits, legs, in the bikini line, or in the other parts of our body. And men and women want to remove these unwanted hairs in their bodies in order to have a smooth and hairless skin to be able to stay beautiful. This article will discuss about the hair removal and also, it will give you some tips and methods on how to do it.

In this generation, there are many options that are available to remove the unwanted hair, but there are few options to get rid of hair permanently. There are also different methods of hair removal from the old stand-by, shaving, to the new treatments, lasers, are discussed here. Each person should chose a method or combination of methods that works best for them depending on cost, time available, skin type, and the desired hair-free area. The methods of hair removal include: shaving, waxing, plucking, sugar waxing, and physical hair removal. These methods will help you to get rid of your unwanted hair on the different parts of your body.

Hair removal with shaving is the common and the most temporary method of hair removal, because it is merely cuts the hair off at the skin’s surface. Shaving does not make the hair shaft thicker, darker, or grow faster or slower. However, the short hair shaft may be more noticeable as it grows out because it has a blunt tip instead of the normal tapered tip. It also should be done after applying some type of moisturizer to the skin to help the razor glide over the skin, not cut or scrape it. The common moisturizers include water, shaving cream, hair conditioner, or body wash.

Hair Removal – Waxing is also one of the methods of hair removal. This method is an effective of removing large amounts of hair at one time. The method of waxing is quickly pulled off in the opposite direction of the hair growth, pulling the hairs out of the follicles. Cold waxes are available usually attached to strips, which are patted onto the skin. Wax that is still left on the skin must be peeled or scratched off. Plucking hair with tweezers is also an effective way to remove hair, but it can be very time consuming. The hair shaft must be long enough to grasp with tweezers.
Sugar waxing is a popular form of hair removal that works in the same way traditional waxing does. A thick sugary substance similar to caramel is spread on the skin in the direction of hair growth. The hair becomes embedded in the caramel. The advantage of this method over traditional waxing is the clean up. The sugar substance is water-soluble and can be removed easier than wax by rinsing with water.

Physically pulling the hair out of the follicle is a common and fairly inexpensive method of hair removal. None of these methods changes the color, texture, or density of the hair. Because hair grows at different rates, some of the hair that has been physically removed may take more time to grow back in.
I want to know which laser hair removal machine is the most effective. I don't want an at home machine, I just want to know which one is the best. is ELOS good? there are so many different people advertising hair removal and all are using different machines so I just want some insight from people who have had laser hair removal. I live in Canada by the way. thanks for the help!

ELOS is not good.

The first person is correct. Alexandrite types of lasers are best for light skin (some brands are GentleLASE, Apogee, etc). for darker skin (mediterranean and darker usually), ND:Yag laser is needed (Coolglide, Sciton, GentleYAG, etc). Some lasers like Apogee Elite and GentleMax have both types in one machine.

There are a bunch of forums available where you can learn more about LHR before you start – I advise to do it. Check out for example. It's very important to find a place that is looking out for your interests and not just their profits.

Also, make sure you understand that laser only works on COARSE hair (like bikini, underarms, etc type of hair). for fine hair, only electrolysis is permanent. Don't let sales people convince you otherwise.

If you are light skinned you must be treated on an alexandrite laser to get permanent results. If you are dark skinned (Mediterranean, Asian, African American) you must be treated on a Yag.
Unsightly body hair can make both men and women uncomfortable about their appearance, and constant shaving and waxing can be a burden, not to mention the constant irritation. for this reason, men and women around the world seek permanent hair removal removal at a rate of more than half a million treatments per year.

Will my skin color determine my success rate?

Permanent hair removal has quickly become one of the best methods to remove unwanted body hair. The lasers and pulsed lights usually work best for people that have dark and light skin tones, and recently new devices have been created to work for those with light hair and dark skinned. Before making the appointment for hair removal, make sure you tell let them know if you have dark or tanned skin beforehand as the wrong type of laser on this skin type can cause skin discoloration.

How does the process work?

Lasers use pulsed light as a means to break down the melanin, or dark pigment, in the hair and destroy it, hence why is works so well on dark hair. these lasers will also target the melanin in dark skin, which can also cause discoloration. since it typically grows in three phases, the lasers used in laser removal target the hair what is known as the growth phase.

What areas of your body are best suited for treatments?

Because lasers and pulsed light target several follicles at once, you can treat large areas of skin such as the back of the legs. This process takes around two hours for both legs, whereas electrolysis on this same area could take years to complete. other areas laser hair removal is used for are the back, arms, chest and shoulders. Laser removal also works well on the upper lip and chin, but only if the hair is dark. If the hair is light, electrolysis is the better bet to achieve permanent removal.

What specialist will I have the highest probability of success with?

Who It is very important to pick the right expert and it is best to do your research before going forward. The most reputable places don’t have to rely on cheap or discounted procedures, so it would probably be best to book with your dermatologist or a licensed technician.

Will I need to take out a second mortgage to pay for treatments?

No. However, if you decide to move forward, bear in mind that it is not a cheap procedure or an inexpensive investment. we found that prices will vary significantly from state to state and city to city. be prepared to pay anywhere between $200-$2000 a session depending on which part of the body you are planning to treat– not including tax or tip.