One can easily eliminate unwanted hair by laser hair removal. The process is gentle, fast and highly effective. However, not everyone can avail of laser hair removal. For example, people with tanned skin who have very light body hair are not suitable candidates. This is because darkened skin absorbs too much light, and a laser is nothing but highly concentrated light. A major prerequisite for successful laser hair removal is that the patient’s hair is darker than the surrounding skin.

There are certainly other modes of hair removal available, but the advent of laser hair removal has rendered most of them obsolete as preferred treatments. Electrolysis is an option that is still popular, since it does not require repeated treatments. However, laser hair removal has the advantage of being less expensive. Though a complete treatment often requires multiple sessions, the total cost per body area will probably not exceed $1000 in most cases. The effects are long-term, which means that repeated visits are not called for after one round of treatments.

Hair removal techniques such as waxing, shaving and plucking, on the other hand, produce only short-term results. Intense pulsed light is often effective in removing excess body hair, too. Devices employing intense pulsed light are supposed to act as so-called laser equivalents, but this is a misleading term. Producing comparable results with these devices requires a great deal of instrument adjustment and far more expertise than laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal can eliminate body hair in almost all anatomical areas. One exception is the area immediately around the eyes, where the danger of ocular complications renders it an unsafe procedure in this particular area. Other than this, the technique is effective when applied to the face, the upper lip, the neck and chest, the armpits, the back, the abdomen and legs. Women often avail of laser hair removal to make their bikini line more attractive, too.

Despite its advantages, laser hair removal produces uniform results in all patients. Many variables can affect the outcome, and some patients often require more sessions than others to produce the same results. Though the technique is highly advanced and controllable, there are no absolute guarantees in laser hair removal. One should therefore distrust any advertisements that guarantee reduction or elimination of hair by this technique. High-profile clinics practicing laser hair removal do not make such dishonest and misleading claims. It is advisable to avail of treatment at such clinics, rather than at those that use flamboyant advertising to draw clients. Trusting in clinics that offer ‘discount’ laser hair removal is another mistake. The strict scientific parameters applicable in this technology and its use are not open to compromise.

Look for clinics that use FDA-approved instruments and practices and do not expect magical, instant results. The general mantra for laser hair removal is that more session brings better and longer-lasting results. The exact cost of laser hair removal depends on the size of the body area to undergo treatment, as well as on the general and specific physical characteristics of the patient. To obtain an estimate of how much it will cost, one should obtain an initial evaluation at a reputed laser hair removal centers.


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